Febbraio On the occasion of the intense cold snap that has been keeping Europe in its grip in the past few days, Folia Magazine presents today a peculiarly suited illumination.   "February", illumination from "Les Très Riches Heures du duc de Berry", ms. 65, f. 2v, between 1412 and 1416, Condé Museum, Chantilly.   The illumination above depicts a slice of medieval common life during cold months. Inside a house, a man and two women (plus a cat!) warm themselves in front of the fire; outside, in the courtyard, several sheep find shelter under a roofed pen. A man, passing by a dovecote and four beehives, walks towards the house while keeping warm by blowing on his hands. Outside the fence, a man chops down a tree in order to collect wood for the fire; further away, lastly, another man leads a donkey towards a village.  
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