Author: Annalisa Giusti

The garden of words
20 September 2019   |    Floral Friday

Illuminations from a Book of Hours, Use of Rome, ms. Latin 1156B, f. 135r, 15th century, Département des manuscrits, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris.

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18 September 2019   |    Women's Wednesday

Our weekly Women's Wednesday returns today with a chilling personality: Queen Athaliah of Judah, the only female monarch to sit on the throne of David in biblical history. Former princess of Israel, Athaliah married Jehoram, prince of Judah,…

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Charles V of France
16 September 2019   |    This day in History

September 16, 1380: on this day, King Charles V of France died after 16 years of reign. Despite his name being somehow overshadowed by the more famous Holy Roman Emperor of the same name, Charles V…

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Floral Homage
13 September 2019   |    Floral Friday

Illumination from the Book of Hours of Bénigne Serre,  ms. Cod. 103, f. 168r, 1524, Utopia, armarium codicum bibliophilorum, private collection, Switzerland.

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11 September 2019   |    Women's Wednesday

Summer is almost over… but our weekly appointment with Boccaccio’s De Mulieribus Claris is not! Today’s Mulier Clara is Leaena, a Greek courtesan who got tangled up in a political assassination. One version of the…

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Blooming on Gold
6 September 2019   |    Floral Friday

Illuminations from the "Masters of the Dark Eyes Missal", ms. W.175, f. 158v, ca. 1500, The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore.  The name of this Dutch missal, originally from Utrecht, refers to an artistic movement named "Masters of…

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4 September 2019   |    Women's Wednesday

Did you miss us? We surely did! The first article after our short summer break is, you guessed it, dedicated to our Women's Wednesday: our guest this time is Tomyris, queen of the Massagetae, an Iranian people living…

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Beyond the Fence
2 August 2019   |    Floral Friday

Are you enjoying your summer? With this lovely floral illumination, Folia Magazine is officially off to summer vacation! Our team will be taking a short break from office work, but don't fret: we'll be back…

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