Author: Annalisa Giusti

13 February 2019   |    Women's Wednesday

It is the most widely used writing system in the world: but have you ever stopped to wonder where, exactly, does the Latin alphabet come from? Who invented it? Well, our Women's Wednesday this week…

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Cumean Sibyl
6 February 2019   |    Women's Wednesday

It's finally Wednesday, which means it's also time for our weekly appointment with Boccaccio's De Mulieribus Claris! Our protagonist this time is the legendary Cumean Sibyl, sometimes known by the name of Almathea or Deiphebe. According…

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30 January 2019   |    Women's Wednesday

Ever heard of "Oedipus' Complex"? Do you know the myth behind its name? You may do, but let us revise together! Our weekly Mulier Clara is, in fact, a major player in the story: we are talking about Oedipus'…

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St. Thomas Aquinas
28 January 2019   |    Folia

January 28 is the feast day of St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church as well as one of the most influential European philosophers. Born around 1225 in Roccasecca, in the Italian county of Aquino, Thomas…

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25 January 2019   |    Floral Friday

Decorated initial "C", illumination from the manuscript "Scriptores historiae Augustae", ms. Sp Coll Hunterian Ds.2.7., f. N6v, 1475, University of Glasgow Library.

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23 January 2019   |    Women's Wednesday

Folia Magazine is finally back from our winter break! We take this opportunity to wish all of you a happy new year, as we resume our regular posting by welcoming a new Mulier Clara to…

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19 December 2018   |    Women's Wednesday

Today's Women's Wednesday marks our last appointment with a new Mulier Clara before our Holidays break: the protagonist of our story today is Iole, a surprisingly cunning young woman from Greek mythology. While multiple versions of…

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All Flowers in Time
14 December 2018   |    Floral Friday

Oh, all flowers in time bend towards the sunI know you say that there's no-one for youBut here is one "All Flowers In Time Bend Towards The Sun", Jeff Buckley ft. Elizabeth Fraser. Illumination from a Cistercian…

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