Author: Annalisa Giusti

Summer banquet
2 August 2018   |    Folia

Illumination from the manuscript "Livre de la chasse - Déduits de la chasse", ms. Français 616, c. 67r, 14th or 15th century, Département des manuscrits, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris. Folia Magazine is off to a summer vacation! Our…

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25 July 2018   |    Women's Wednesday

Our journey to the discovery of the many Mulieres Clarae continues with a multi-faceted goddess, Minerva. Robinet Testard, as shown in the illumination above, chose to depict her warrior side by arming her with sword…

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18 July 2018   |    Women's Wednesday

Today, just like every Wednesday, Folia Magazine welcomes a new Mulier Clara: the spotlight this week goes to Ceres, the goddess of agricultural fertility. In accordance to her patronage, the deity is often depicted holding…

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11 July 2018   |    Women's Wednesday

This week’s Women’s Wednesday features a new Mulier Clara: Juno, queen of the Greek gods and patron of marriage and childbirth. The illuminator Robinet Testard, as seen above, depicts the goddess with bare womb and…

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6 July 2018   |    This day in History

July 6, 1415: Jan Hus, the Czech theologian now considered to be one of the main predecessors of the Reformation and Protestantism, is burned at the stake. The 15th-century Catholic Church was living a time of great struggle, following…

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4 July 2018   |    Women's Wednesday

Our third Women's Wednesday is dedicated to Opis, Saturn's wife, earth goddess and personification of abundance. The Latin word "ops", in fact, literally means "riches, plenty"; at the same time, "opis" signifies "work", especially in…

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The Day of the Seven Sleepers
28 June 2018   |    Folia

"Scheint am Siebenschläfer Sonne, gibt es sieben Wochen Wonne." German-speaking countries celebrated yesterday Siebenschläfertag, the "Day of the Seven Sleepers": according to lore, the weather on this day is said to predict the weather on the following seven weeks. But…

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27 June 2018   |    Women's Wednesday

Let’s continue our adventure through the pages of the De Mulieribus Claris: today's guest is Semiramis, the legendary queen of Assyria. The illumination above depicts Semiramis in the company of a white dog, perhaps to symbolize…

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