May 30, 1431: after being captured and sold to the English, Joan of Arc is finally burned at the stake for heresy. Although being rehabilitated by Pope Callixtus III as soon as in 1456, Joan is only…
Author: Annalisa Giusti
Today marks the 565th anniversary of the Fall of Constantinople, the event that officially put an end to the Byzantine Empire, thus being considered today as one of the main dates in the transition from…
May 23, 1099: the building of the Cathedral of Modena officially begins. The facts surrounding the design and the construction of the Cathedral (also known as Duomo di Modena) are narrated in a document dated…
As of today, May 21, the Sun enters the zodiac sign of Gemini. Gemini, meaning "twins" in Latin, is represented by a couple of twins; namely, Castor and Pollux from Greek mythology, which referred to them jointly…
« St Dunstan, as the story goes, Once pull'd the devil by the nose With red-hot tongs, which made him roar, That he was heard three miles or more. » (Folk rhyme) May 19 is the…
«[...] "When we cameTo the fourth day, then Gaddo at my feetOutstretch’d did fling him, crying, ‘Hast no helpFor me, my father!’ There he died; and e’enPlainly as thou seest me, saw I the threeFall…
The Catholic Church celebrates today, on the 40th day after Easter, the Ascension of Jesus to Heaven. Being one of the pillars of Christianity, it goes without saying that the Ascension is also one of the…
May 4th... be with you! Do you recognize this strange creature from a 14th-century manuscript? May 4th is considered by many to be Star Wars Day, and is celebrated as such with many events (and dedicated…