Illumination from a Book of Hours, use of Paris, ms. Widener 8, f. 81r, 1499, Free Library of Philadelphia.
Category: Floral Friday
"Capricorn and Unicorn", illumination from the manuscript "La Fleur des histoires de Jean Mansel", ms. Ms-5087 réserve, f. 237v, 1454, Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, Paris.
Illumination from the manuscript "La Fleur des histoires de Jean Mansel", ms. Ms-5087 réserve, f. 16r, 1454, Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, Paris.
Illumination from a Book of Hours, use of Rouen, ms. Latin 1167, f. 132r, 15th century, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Paris.
Illumination from the manuscript "La Fleur des Histoires de Jean Mansel", ms. 5087 réserve, f. 433v, 1454, Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, Paris.
Illumination from the "Hours of St. Denis", ms. Christ Church MS 93, f. 80r, 1484-1501, Christ Church, Oxford.
Illumination from a Book of Hours, use of Cambrai, ms. 1185 réserve, f. 59r, 15th century, Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, Paris.
Illumination from the manuscript "QUINTE CURSE RUFFE. Des Fais du grant Alexandre ", ms. Français 257, f. 114v, 15th century, Bibliothèque nationale de France. Département des manuscrits, Paris.