On April 9, 1241, one of the most relevant battles between the expanding Mongol Empire and the European forces took place. The battlefield was that of Legnica, in the Silesian province of Poland; the invasion…
Category: Folia
"The appearance of the Moon in the sky", illumination from the manuscript "Les premières Œuvres de JACQUES DEVAULX, pillote en la marine", ms. Français 150, f. 24v, 1583, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Paris. «O,…
Today is Easter Monday, the day after Easter and a public holiday in many countries of the world, such as most of Europe, Quebec, and Australia, as well as large parts of Africa. In many of…
With Easter Sunday we conclude our brief look at some of the many illuminations depicting the events of the Holy Week. Easter day is, of course, the most important day of the Week - but…
"Harrowing of Hell", illumination from the manuscript "Speculum humanae salvationis", ms. Harley 2838, f. 33v, between 1485 and 1509, British Library, London. Although not officially described in any of the Gospels, the Harrowing of Hell is a…
"Crucifixion", historiated initial "T", fragment from a French Missal, 28.140, ca. 1400, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. On occasion of Good Friday, we present today the beautiful illumination above. The scene of the Crucifixion is historiated into…
We celebrate today World Water Day, an annual event established by the United Nations in 1993. The goal of World Water Day is to bring the many water challenges of our era back to the attention…
"Garden", illumination from the manuscript "Carmina Regia" by Convenevole da Prato, ms. Royal 6 E IX, f. 15v, c. 1335 - c. 1340, British Library, London. As of the March equinox occurring today (although the astronomical equinox was…