Folia Magazine wishes all of you the happiest of Holidays with this delicate, lantern-lit Nativity scene! This incredible illumination is included in a luxury Book of Hours created for Frederick of Aragon, King of Naples from…
Folia Magazine wishes all of you the happiest of Holidays with this delicate, lantern-lit Nativity scene! This incredible illumination is included in a luxury Book of Hours created for Frederick of Aragon, King of Naples from…
The cover page of the Paradiso displays an architectural structure that is complex yet light, almost like a triumphal arch. It gets its extraordinary lightness not only from the many cherubs but even more from…
As the three poets continue their journey through Purgatory, they reach the sixth Terrace, where souls are punished for the sin of Gluttony. Statius, Virgil, and Dante look upon the Tree of Temperance, whose lower…
Here, finally, the upper half of Lucifer emerges from the frozen lake. We are at the Judecca, reserved for traitors against religious and political authority. The demon Lucifer has three faces, colored red, black, and…
After exploring the history of the manuscript of the Dante Urbinate, today we finally begin our journey into the Divine Comedy itself, and the best place to start is in the “dark wood” that opens…
Illumination from a German Bible, Ms. Ludwig I 13 (83.MA.62), f. 363r, ca. 1450, The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles.
We finally reached the end of October... and that means it's Halloween! Last year we celebrated the occasion by introducing you to a very peculiar manuscript, the ms. Français 995 from the Bibliothéque nationale de…
Illumination from a Roman Missal created for Jean de Foix, Bishop of Comminges, ms. Latin 16827, f. 383v, 1492, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Paris.