Happy Holidays from Folia Magazine!
Folia Magazine wishes all of you the happiest of Holidays with this delicate, lantern-lit Nativity scene!
This incredible illumination is included in a luxury Book of Hours created for Frederick of Aragon, King of Naples from 1496 to 1501. While the book was begun in Naples, the unfinished manuscript followed its owner in France after he had abdicated: it was in France, then, that the book was carefully decorated and finally completed. The codex thus represents the encounter between different artistic traditions - merging a style of handwriting widely used in Italy (the so-called humanist script) with the miniatures created by the French illuminator Jean Bourdichon.

“Nativity”, illumination from the "Hours of Frederick of Aragon”, ms. Latin 10532, p. 134, ca. 1501-1502, Bibliothèque nationale de France. Département des Manuscrits, Paris.