Book of Hours, MS M.1004 fol. 79r - Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts - The Morgan Library & Museum
Giusto de’ Menabuoi (1330-1390) : Cycle de l’Apocalypse (fresque).
Proviene dal Luttrell Psalter, un manoscritto medievale anonimo che apparentemente è conosciuto per le sue scene della vita quotidiana e esseri di altri mondi. It's from the the Luttrell Psalter, an anonymous medieval…
Walking in the spring garden. The Tacuinum of Paris - late 14th century
1300, Regia Carmina di Convenevole da Prato, custodito presso la British Library Londra, UK
Bizarre and vulgar illustrations from illuminated medieval manuscripts
Book of Hours, Cat beating cymbal, from a marginal cycle of images of the funeral of Renard the Fox, Walters Manuscript W.102, fol. 78v detail
Detail of a marginal painting of a monkey playing bagpipes, from the Breviary of Queen Isabella of Castile, Bruges, c. 1497, Add MS 18851, f. 419v